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A cooperative network of credit
unions that support nonprofit
children's hospitals in the U.S.

You’re always there for your members. And your community.

Credit Unions for Kids (CU4Kids), benefiting Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals (CMN Hospitals), allows you to show how much you care, not only about your members financial health, but also the wellness of families in your community.

You have the power to help children’s hospitals.

Support health along with financial and emotional well-being for families at local children’s hospitals by implementing ATM charitable contributions, sponsoring local hospital events or executing fundraising activities.

Get involved!

Thousands of credit unions across the United States have supported CMN Hospitals since 1996. It is a simple way to help children’s hospitals locally through CMN Hospitals.

When you support CU4Kids, you help create a healthier, happier future for families and communities for years to come.

How you can get involved:


ATM contributions

Credit unions provide ATM charitable contributions through a portion of the ATM withdrawal transaction fee helping raise critical funds for local children’s hospitals.


Sponsor hospital events

Your credit union can help make your community both physically and financially healthy by sponsoring a radiothon, dance marathon, extra life game or other special events benefiting the hospital.


Create/join a committee

CU4Kids committees rally credit union leaders together to raise critical funds for local children’s hospitals. Join a CU4Kids committee to help change kids’ health to change the future!


Other fundraising activities

Fundraising through events (golf, wine auctions, run/walk events), in-branch, icon campaign, or other local activations.

Credit Unions for Kids demonstrates the heart of credit unions in a focused way. Credit unions have always been generous in their giving but sometimes it's diffused, and that makes it harder to tell our story. When we unite for a common cause, it allows us to elevate the impact we make and our ability to communicate this to our communities.
Tansley StearnsPresident/CEO of Community Financial Credit Union and Board Chair of In The Cellar
One reason the GoWest Credit Union Association loves CU4Kids is because it allows credit unions to work together in a fun and meaningful way that makes a difference for the hospitals, for the kids and for their families. That collaboration translates into how credit unions work together serving their members and communities.
Troy StangCEO of GoWest Credit Union Association

Stay Connected

Follow us on LinkedIn to keep up to date on how credit unions are supporting the children in our communities.

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Additional Resources

Remit Funds

Online Remittance Form More >

Brand Guidelines

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Promotional Materials

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Order Icons


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